Work management

Every person has an average of 8 hours a day to complete their tasks. Each type of work profile demands a certain work environment. Would like to focus on desk jobs and try to find out what is needed to be a successful employee.
Every employee individual aspires to perform the best in their limits. There are always these expectations on the employee from the superiors and the organization. Appraisal of these expectations vary from one superior to the other and from one org to the other.
When one has an unpleasant experience, one always gets into introspection if there is issue with him/herself or if it to do with the superior. It always almost boils down to attempt to being more efficient. 
With the intensity and density of work having multiplied over the last few decades in all types of workplaces, it is always a matter of running rather than thinking before moving. We always forget things to do as there are many. So, it is always good to be organized to be efficient. To be efficient in your organizing yourself, it is essential to use a tool to make things easier. Tool can be as simple as a paper notebook. I have seen many senior employees using a notepad/diary to list their tasks and closed them.
Few things that I have learnt are:

  • Be on time for meeting
  • Have meetings less than 30 minutes unless a brainstorming session that needs longer
  • Check all your emails before you leave
  • Reply to any emails you have to
  • Write down tasks to do the day before rather than first thing in the morning
  • Set aside time for couple of breaks during the day and strictly follow 99% times
  • Be prepared for meetings
  • Request others to do so to keep the meeting short
  • Do a weekly review of your performance/achievements 

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